Container homes Archives - Small Home Space A home for small homes Thu, 24 Nov 2022 09:23:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Container homes Archives - Small Home Space 32 32 230891898 Are container homes a good investment? Fri, 18 Nov 2022 17:48:01 +0000 Container homes are a rage these days. Every social media channel is full of photographs of container homes or people talking about them. These are the main reasons why these…

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Container homes are a rage these days. Every social media channel is full of photographs of container homes or people talking about them.

These are the main reasons why these types of homes are a good or a bad idea.


Shipping containers look chic and create an industrial look
Shipping containers may have been recycled. This goes some way in recycling and even upcycling these containers.
Shipping container homes can be cheap to build. Due to this, they might play an important role in solving the housing crisis that confounds many cities throughout the world.
Shipping containers are small modules and fall in line with the architecture of modular homes.
Pros a shipping container home


Shipping containers may pose a health risk. A shipping container may have carried dangerous chemicals in them. Some of these chemicals might leach into the surface. Due to the extended use of the shipping container, these may not have been cleaned or removed from the container for a variety of reasons.
They can be expensive to transport inland. Usually, a new one is to be ordered as it is difficult to find a used one but in a good condition to reuse as a shipping container.
A lot of additions have to be added to make the container livable. This takes away quite a bit of height from the available height of a standard shipping container which is 8.5 feet tall. The length of these containers may vary between 40 and 20 feet long, with the width being 8 feet. Additional insulation added to the sides of these standard containers can reduce available living space after their addition.
Custom-built 9.5 feet containers are available now. However, as with anything custom-built in the real estate industry, these things can be a tad more expensive.
Shipping containers are usually altered to make adjustments to them. This means the default structure of a closed box is changed to make way for holes in windows, outlets, inlets, ventilation ducts, etc.. These holes make the structure weaker in the long run. In order to keep the overall strength of the structure, the container is reinforced with additional support. This adds to the overall cost of the system.
Steel is a good conductor of both heat and cold. That means that any sunlight or snow outside the container tends to make the inside either hot or cold. There is no real insulation which means that the exterior has to be insulated from the elements as well.
Another point to consider is that moisture may collect inside the container due to temperature differences in an insulated container. This can cause moisture to collect and drop from the ceiling leading to mold and fungal infection inside the structure. One resolution to this issue is to insulate the exterior as well. This may increase the overall cost of construction.
Cons of shipping containers

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History of Cargotecture Sun, 02 Oct 2022 10:43:28 +0000 Cargotecture – a form of architecture where shipping containers or intermodal freight containers, are used to create houses. What is cargotecture Cargo transportation has been a primary mode of transportation…

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Cargotecture – a form of architecture where shipping containers or intermodal freight containers, are used to create houses.

What is cargotecture

Cargo transportation has been a primary mode of transportation of goods over high seas.

The world has moved away from larger dwellings to smaller family homes. This movement has been triggered by smaller family sizes, convenience, and reduced expense. Empty containers coming into the USA go out of circulation quickly. This is because it’s cheaper to buy new containers than ship out empty containers back to their source port halfway across the world. It turned out that the most effective way to repurpose these containers is to make alternative uses of these containers, most commonly as housing units.

When it comes to size, the most common types of shipping containers are:

20 feet and 40 feet containers with 8 feet depth.


History of shipping container homes

The Gulf War of the 1900s saw a hitherto unconventional use of shipping containers. They were, for the first time, used as safe-houses for prisoners and as emergency shelters during an enemy attack.

The global financial crisis of 2008 saw an increase in the number of shipping containers that could potentially provide affordable housing. The tiny home revolution took off during the early 2010s and shipping container homes became really interesting to Americans, particularly the younger generation.

Since 2010, companies have begun to provide customized solutions to container homes. They provide guidance, build, and maintenance support for interested families who want to try out container homes for the first time.


COVID19 of 2019-20 only cemented the emergence of smaller homes away from larger communities and economies. Small sustainable farms have started to show up all over the country where container homes provide affordable homes for inhabitants.

Even though now in 2022, the tiny home revolution is ongoing, container homes are being used in a variety of ways, not only for housing. Containers have found their way into shopping complexes, parks, and community housing.


Future of container homes

Container homes are stable in high winds, as they weigh about 8 thousand pounds. They come in a couple of different sizes. Customized container homes come with all sorts of alterations to make them habitable; from insulation for heat, air vents, and even solar panels. There are some limitations of container homes. Nevertheless, they look more and more interesting as an alternative housing option for the new generation of homeowners.

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Pros and Cons Container homes Tue, 21 Jun 2022 12:25:51 +0000 Container homes are a recent addition to the trending tiny homes. They have pros and cons that must be considered before you decide if they are the right fit for…

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Container homes are a recent addition to the trending tiny homes. They have pros and cons that must be considered before you decide if they are the right fit for you.

Let’s start with the pros.

Container homes are made from steel and are very durable. They can withstand hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes. They are also versatile. You can use them for storage, an office, or a home. And since they are made from recycled materials, they are eco-friendly. Container homes are also more affordable than traditional homes.

Now let’s look at the cons.

The main con of container homes is that they have limited space. If you want a lot of space, you will need to get multiple containers. Another con is that it can be difficult to get permits for container homes. This is because they are not a traditional style of home. And finally, you will need to insulate container homes. This is because they are made from metal and can get very hot or very cold.

So those are the pros and cons of container homes. You will need to decide if the pros outweigh the cons for you. Only you can decide if container homes are right for you.

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